TGL present in the Prospera Healthtech Summit 2022

Last weekend of September, our Portfolio Manager, Camilo Anabalón, participated at Prospera Healthtech Summit 2022 representing The Ganesha Lab to explore the advantages and opportunities for our portfolio startups as well as position our company as a relevant actor in the Latin-American Biotech ecosystem.
“I was pleasantly surprised that The Ganesha Lab name was broadly recognized by the audience as the largest and fastest-growing accelerator in the region”, commented Camilo, who was chosen along with Niklas Anzinger, founder of Infinita Fund and host of the event, to perform as a judge in the pitch competition scheduled for last day.
As a token of The Ganesha Lab’s commitment to fostering the Biotech start-up ecosystem and specifically to improving the value proposition and pitch performance of the companies participating in the competition, Camilo offered an Investor Prep Session to the winning team. This session will also incorporate Ken Drobis, an angel investor in Biotech companies from the US.
Prospera is a private development on the island of Roatan, Honduras, built over the ZEDE (Zone for Employment and Economic Development) Provision of the Honduran constitution, which means that businesses settled there will have legal, regulatory, and tax incentives to operate.
“Altogether, the participation of The Ganesha Lab in the summit can be seen as an initial point for future partnerships and a great confirmation that our brand is penetrating very efficiently the Latam Biotech ecosystem”, concluded our representative.