On your marks. Get set. Pitch!

The Ganesha Lab Scale Up Program 2022 is coming to an end: On October 18th, the seven startups of this generation, Aictive, ArcomedLab, Bifidice, Biome Resources, Bleps Visión, metaBIX Biotech, and Vali will perform their Final Pitch in front of an international jury, hoping to be selected for the next part of the journey: International Market Validation in the United States.
The jury, which has been part of the entire process, will score the pitches according to what the entrepreneurs have learned during the ScaleUp Program and online Soft Landing US with the Cambridge Innovation Center (CIC), to which all had access after the Mid-Term evaluation.
This is the final instance for these entrepreneurs to exhibit their readiness for International Market Validation (IMV).
Winners will be announced on an online Demo Day on October, 26th.
Stay tuned!