Coming soon: The Ganesha Lab Scale-Up Program 2023

Less than a month to kick off our Open Call 2023, the application process for our Scale-Up program for science-technology based startups, which aims to internationalize their solutions and prepare entrepreneurs to face global markets, translating science into good business.
The selection process begins April 1st, and is open to early-stage Latin American biotech startups developing technologies that have a great potential to impact, addressing mega-trends: Healthcare Access, Food Scarcity, Aging Population and Emerging Threats, in particular projects in the BioAgro, BioMedicine, BioFood, Animal Health, Consumer Health, Pharmaceuticals, Diagnostics, and Medical Devices.
The startups selected to be part of the Scale-Up Program, will have access to mentoring, workshops, and individual coaching during three intensive months, to then move on to the Soft-Landing US Program, which allows entrepreneurs to get to know the US market from a closer perspective.
Once both processes are concluded, a DemoDay is held, and entrepreneurs must demonstrate their evolution through a 5-minute pitch to an external and international jury. The two best-prepared startups to enter the international market will have access to the International Market Validation Program, which allows them to move to US for a period of 2 months to validate their technologies and build their networks.
The program is just the beginning! All the startups selected to participate in The Ganesha Lab Scale-Up Program will have access to our community, as well as continuous support for a minimum of 3 years post-program in relevant aspects such as capital raise. The selected startups will also have access to participate in our BIOHUNT SUMMIT 2023, an event that connects the best startups from Latin America with US investors.
BIG NEWS: As of this year the selected startups will receive a direct initial investment of up to US$ 120.000, so that they can focus exclusively on the development of their company and on the implementation of the learning they will obtain during the months dedicated to the program.
Be sure to follow us on social media to get the latest news on the Open Call process!